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Dan Spainhour Is Writing For Medium

Dan Spainhour on his writings for Medium

I see it all the time–people settle into a routine, or a career and they tell themselves’ “Hey this isn’t so bad,” and the years keep slipping away. Then, they become full of regret for the things they didn’t do, the places they didn’t go, or the things they never had.

When I “retired” from coaching after 38 years I tried to make it clear that I wasn’t retiring; instead, I, like life itself, was evolving.

When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

I don’t know who first said that, but I came across it many years ago while reading a book by Wayne Dyer. It is one of my favorite quotes and quickly became a life motto for me. It is my belief that so much of the pain and struggle people feel is because they are looking at things the wrong way. They feel stuck, they’re not really happy even though they are doing the things that their family, society and other people of influence expect of them.

Magnificent Mondays and Wonderful Wednesdays

Your life is either growing and expanding or it is decaying. These weekly writings are my attempt to help readers see the value of evolving through life. Every Monday and Wednesday there will be a new article with ideas that could change the way you look at things.

From coaching, to writing, to moving from place to place, life has provided me with so many experiences and different perspectives. It’s a perspective that has helped me evolve into who I am today. My game may have changed but life keeps getting better and better all the time.

For every ending there is a beginning and in order to evolve, we must find ways to uncover what’s most important to us. Sometimes we get so caught up doing what we’ve always done and blindly accepting beliefs or values taught to us by our friends, family, churches, and society and we forget who we really are and who we really want to become. In other words, we forget our true authentic self.

We’re all capable of more–if we want more. Life was never meant for us to just sit back and wonder “what if …?”.

I enjoy writing down my thoughts and offering them to you. I also realize that opening myself up through my writings could change my life dramatically. In these articles I am revealing some of the most intimate experiences of my life and am making a stand for some very compelling principles.

I know that my writings may make it difficult for the old me and the new me to coexist. But just as my early days saw a yearning for the “coach” in me to manifest; these days, the yearning has transitioned to that of an author — one who I hope will even be more aligned to my authentic self.

I encourage you to please subscribe and join medium if you haven’t already done so and let’s all get out there and evolve!


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